Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I’m writing and I’m living in Spain,
And I’m saying things like,
I am so happy, and
Me voy al sobre.
And me voy a tomar una siesta.

I’m riding my bicycle in Spain
And it’s raining and it’s cold,
And I’m saying this is crazy.
I can’t believe I bike everywhere in the rain.

I don’t have fenders on my bicycle.
The thighs of my jeans are soaked,
I can see the water coming off my tires
And spinning splashes at me.

I keep riding.

I have to get to the University on time.
I have to get to my language lessons on time.
I have to get to the train station on time.
I have to get to the airport on time.

But wait,

I’m at the train station,
And I see a sign that says,
Tiempo no existe, no tengas prisa.
And I smile. And I laugh.

I keep walking but then I realize,
I’m in Spain and time doesn’t exist.

So I stop. 

And I go back to look at the sign.

My camera is packed deep in my bag,
But I take the time to unpack it.
I put the lens on. 
I zoom in on the sign.

I snap a picture. 

And I smile.
And I make it to the airport on time.
And I board the plane, and people
Aren’t speaking in Spanish anymore.

Italian now.  
And I listen.
And I love it. 
I love this time I have.

And like a dream, I think it doesn’t exist.
But the rain reminds me that it does.

Brent and I

Brent and I